This is my diary where i dumped whatever i read on the net for future reference. And I do pen down some of my odd thoughts here and on things i face everyday.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My First Day at Blogcatalog

Dear Diary,
Today, I went up to Blogcatalog, a blogger community on the net and I am gonna share with you what I learn from there.
I met many bloggers from all walks of life from different race, religion and country. Some blog for money and some do it for fun. I also met many people who are kind enough to help me through in BC and even gave me good advice excluding some nerds or prankster.And in my opinion BC is a college where there are 100 teachers and 10 students only. And I think most peoples have the same ideas or some pretending to be as not to be the odd one.
I love BC and its a great place to learn new things and I really enjoyed being there. And I shall try to visit there often. I have invited Bcians to come and meet you. May be they have started to come.
Dear diary, I am going up there to see whether they are coming or not and I'll spend some time there and get back to you to report any thing I learned. If you like you can come and join with me from here Bye dear diary for now and have a nice day!


Anonymous said...

Cute idea for a blog :)

I hope you enjoy your time on BC!

Seasoned By Grace Designs said...

This blog could prove to be very interesting! Good idea!

Kat said...

love your layout, and your idea is origional kudos

Susie said...

I am a fan of a black background, many will dispute it, but the red is vibrant, love it! Keep going, and good luck! I found you on BC - you have to change your settings to reflect those of us that don't use blogger though.. BIG issue there..

Miss Suzie said...

You've done a great job here. BlogCatalog is great. I've "met" some really great people there. Congrats for coming aboard and good luck blogging!

Jamie (aka suburbqueen on BC)