This is my diary where i dumped whatever i read on the net for future reference. And I do pen down some of my odd thoughts here and on things i face everyday.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let Me Live

Dear Diary
I am sharing a beautiful poem with you.
Let me live
In an open space where the star twinkle
And let me hear the song of the bird’s band
Let me dance to the tune of the jungle
And let me hear the trees clap their hands
Let me live

Love is not love, says the old writer
Which alter when its alteration find
You preach love but make war
Your honey tongue let it bind
Let me just have my right to live
Let me live

Each day until I die, I will face surprises of life
I can’t alter this but I can change my attitude to them
With God’s given strength, I will overcome my strife
And make my way to live along them
A life that is so worthwhile to live
Let me live

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